I am a strategic designer working to understand humans and our organizations to unravel ambiguous problems and create desirable solutions for our future.

Through my early work experiences, I became especially interested in how users experience the many multifaceted touch-points of a brand. This prompted me to explore more about how designers can interface with business, marketing, and other disciplines, and ultimately lead me to service design.

I get excited about solving real-world problems for humans, while navigating the often chaotic and contradictory business world. All of my work is grounded within the context of building sustainable and desirable futures. I appreciate the challenge of working within the systems that make things come to life beyond strategy and conceptualization.


MSc. Product Service Systems Design Politecnico di Milano Milan, Italy

BFA Industrial Design Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY, USA

Design Study Abroad Hochschule Anhalt, Bauhaus Dessau, Germany

Design Management Training Park/Grow Onsite at Staples Inc.


Associate Manager, Design + Innovation Staples Inc. Framingham, MA, USA

Northeast District Representative Prev. Boston Chapter Chair Industrial Designers Society of America

Industrial Designer Eleven LLC Boston, MA, USA

Soft Goods Designer Skooba Design Rochester, NY, USA



Each project is unique, so part of my approach to every new challenge is designing the process itself. My experience is in iterative processes grounded in prototyping and testing.

Projects have the most impact when they are developed collaboratively. I work to integrate key stakeholders into the design and development process so everyone has an investment in the final outcome. This is the way to successfully create change.

Something that inspires me the most about being a creative is having the potential to impact and critique the future. I am passionate about creating solutions for a world that we will all want to live in. Beyond human-centered design, my problem solving approaches consider all four types of sustainability: human, social, economic, and environmental.

As an avid traveler and international designer, I have become increasingly curious about cultural differences and understanding how individuals from different backgrounds interpret experiences.


I’m always excited to chat about design, innovation, and culture. I’m especially interested to hear about opportunities to transform experiences and organizations using the design thinking. Looking forward to hearing from you!